Body Positivity, Self-Confidence through Boudoir Photography

A Guide to Embracing Body Positivity and Self-Confidence Through Boudoir Photography

Understanding Body Positivity

body positivity boudoirThe body positivity movement emerged in the 2000s in defiance of dated messaging valuing a limited view of beauty. These unhealthy and often unachievable expectations hit a critical point when mainstream figures and influencers started to push back. Slowly, more and more voices spoke out against the limited representation and archaic definitions of what’s considered attractive. 

Through a more inclusive and loving gaze toward oneself, body positivity recognizes that beauty is not one size fits all. In recent years, we’ve seen the media and fashion industry take steps toward more representation on the catwalk, in catalogs, in tv shows, and in movies. While we still have a long way to go, this correction has been healing for many, bringing forth a long-overdue sense of reasonable representation. 

The Role of Boudoir Photography

body positivity nude photos boudoir

Boudoir photography offers an opportunity to fully embrace the body-positive movement. It emphasizes the beauty of all body types, sizes, ages, shapes, and colors. Boudoir photographers have promoted body positivity long before it became a buzzword. Many in the community are aligned to create a safe, accepting, and empowering space for clients.


For most, “we are our own worst critics” is true. We often don’t see ourselves as others do. We tend to focus on tiny details that most would never notice while glossing over the features others celebrate. Boudoir photos reveal another side of yourself through images created with compassion. A boudoir is a chance to see yourself with kind eyes. Discover the beauty you might otherwise miss.


What is Body positivity?

Definition and Importance: Body positivity is the assertion that all people deserve to have a positive body image, regardless of how society and popular culture view ideal shape, size, and appearance.


“All is beautiful” Andy Warhol.

  • Empowerment: Boudoir is all about embracing who you are and where you’re at. It affirms that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and ages. We need only let go of our old, dated notions and stereotypes and see beauty in all. A compassionate photographer and a safe space can help make this shift in attitude possible. 
  • Artistic Expression: Boudoir photography’s artistic element allows subjects to see themselves from a different perspective that celebrates their unique beauty. 
  • Personal Transformation: We’ve worked with boudoir clients who’ve struggled with self-acceptance, eating disorders, aging, breast cancer, sexual assault, and more. Boudoir has allowed them to feel safe and accept themselves with loving kindness. It’s provided them a chance to feel secure expressing their sensuality without feeling taboo or judged. 

Preparing for a Boudoir Photoshoot

Choosing a Photographer.

A photographer’s portfolio is one of many things you should consider before booking your boudoir photoshoot. Their work may be beautiful, but what’s their vibe like?  It’s a bit like choosing a therapist. It’s essential to feel safe and comfortable for such an intimate experience. When researching, check their about me page and read through anything that describes their philosophy. You’ll get a sense of how they value body positivity and their approach to the work they create. You can find other helpful tips to remember in our article, such as choosing a boudoir photographer

Outfit Selection.

What you wear during your Boudoir photo shoot is a personal choice that should reflect your tastes and comfort. Many lingerie brands embrace body positivity with an inclusive range of sizes and styles to flatter everyone. We often recommend wearing timeless pieces you’ll feel good looking back on for decades. However, this is your experience, so embrace your unique style. Don’t force it if you’re not a stilettos and lace person! The most important thing is to wear what you feel good in. We offer an extensive prep and style guide for our clients that dives deep into the weeds on this topic to ensure you’re fully supported before your photoshoot. If you’re having difficulty finding pieces that flatter your figure, this article on lingerie for different body types is a great place to start. 

Setting the Scene.

A lot goes on behind the scenes to create a comfortable environment. We believe in creating a supportive and relaxing space, so you’ll feel great about yourself when you start your photoshoot.  That starts with a phone call before your photo shoot so you can hear directly from us what to expect and get a sense of our personalities.

Once you arrive at the studio for the photo shoot, we welcome you with big smiles and treat you the way we’d want to be treated–like an old friend. We look through all your outfits and accessories together, offer you champagne, and then, during hair and makeup, we all chat to help calm the nerves. We try to create a space like an old-school beauty parlor where you come to talk, laugh, and feel pampered. The studio is clean, beautifully decorated, and lit with floor-to-ceiling windows, so you feel like you’re on a film set in NYC. 

Overcoming Insecurities.

weight loss photosEveryone, literally everyone, comes in with insecurities, and this is super normal. The important thing is to know you’re not alone, and we’re here to help you support you through those nerves. While you might feel like you’re jumping out of an airplane, the risk is well worth the reward on this one. Showing up and completing the photo shoot is a massive act of bravery and self-love that will pay off for years and years to come. One thing that can be helpful is just saying the fear out loud. Naming it can do wonders in overcoming those doubts. Acknowledging that you’re nervous, admitting that you have some insecurities, and then hearing that we accept you, we see you, and we’re here for you is often all it takes to continue. 

Facing Fears: Positive Reinforcement.

One of the reasons we love Boudoir so much is because it gives us the chance to support and celebrate women/them. It brings me so much joy to help others feel encouraged and accepted. You are in good hands at Revealed. Our team is comprised of like-minded women who are kind and encouraging. But, if ever there’s a point where you feel like it’s too much, we understand and can break or pivot, adding layers if necessary, which can help you feel less vulnerable.  

Real Stories of boudoir clients 

Many clients who’ve passed through our doors have started their session off with a disclaimer: “I’m so nervous,” “I’m insecure about this,” or “I’m not confident with…” We’ve worked with women who’ve overcome eating disorders, anxiety issues, disease, life-threatening illness, and sexual assault. We approach all out client’s experiences with care and sensitivity, assuring them that some nervous are normal and they’re not alone. We’ve let them know others have also been in their shoes and we are here to hold space for them in the process to overcome those fears. We try to listen with empathy and, through our efforts and energy, create an atmosphere that lets them feel safe to express themselves with gentle coaching. We talk through the process with them, asking what they’re comfortable with and providing information in advance so they have agency over any more revealing, implied, or nude poses.

mid-size curve boudoirOne woman wrote after her experience with us:

“Everyone was so warm and inviting and it was so easy to get comfortable even in a situation that pushed my personal boundaries. I’ve struggled with my body image for the better part of the last 10 years, but I can confidently say that I’ve never loved my body more than when I was in the studio. As a midsized person, you don’t see my body type in media or in magazines, even now as things get a little more size inclusive, so while this was for me, it was also for women like me who want to feel beautiful, who want to see that there are no rules when it comes to things like this.”

Celebrating Diversity

Inclusive Practices.

Beauty is so much more than Skin Deep. It comes from within. We find beauty and all, no matter the shape, size, age, color, and gender. While we are here to create pictures that bring out your best angle in an aesthetically pleasing way, we also know that a person’s spirit is the ingredient that makes an image come to life. We strive to make our studio a safe, comfortable environment where anyone can come to feel seen and celebrated.

Highlighting Uniqueness.

Our experience working with people from all different backgrounds has helped refine our ability to discover and highlight the best in anyone on the other side of our camera lenses. 

Long-term Benefits

Self-Acceptance.boudoir body positivity

For those struggling with body confidence, self-acceptance may not happen overnight. But you can get there through big and small acts. Small efforts, like gratitude journaling or self-care rituals, help. But a boudoir photoshoot, like landing on the right square in shoots and ladders, can propel you ahead in a big way, giving a jumpstart to your confidence. 

Boudoir photography is more than just capturing intimate images; it celebrates the individual, promoting self-love, body positivity, and confidence. By capturing each person’s unique beauty, boudoir photography can be a transformative experience that fosters a deeper appreciation for oneself.

Ready to learn more?  Message us to receive our complimentary style guide or hear about our offerings. We’d love to connect with you!


Choosing a Boudoir Photographer

You want to select the best Chicago boudoir photographer for your session. However, with so many photographers available, many with glowing feedback and five-star reviews, how do you make the right decision? Don’t worry; we’ll help with that!

Why Choose One Chicago Boudoir Photographer Over Another?

Of course, we’re not the only show in town. There are many Chicago boudoir photographers in the city – but that begs the question: what sets one apart from another?

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With over eight years of boudoir experience, we have photographed women of all different shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds – and we’ve learned a thing or two during that time!

While we would like to simply say, ‘Choose Revealed as your Chicago boudoir photographer’ – that alone doesn’t tell you much about us or why you should select us. Instead of bias, we have spotlighted the following five key points to help you make the right decision and prove why we think we’re the perfect candidate for your dream boudoir shoot.

  1. 100% Female Staff

chicago-boudoir-photos-00009Make no mistake: there are many excellent male Chicago boudoir photographers. We know plenty of amazingly talented and highly professional boudoir photographers who happen to be men. With that said, unfortunately, there are some creeps out there, so knowing there’s zero risk of running into a sketchy situation during your session can make a world of difference when it comes to your comfort.

That’s not to say all male photographers are icky. We know some amazing male boudoir photographers, but due diligence is necessary for something as intimate as this. That’s why, at Revealed, we stick with an all-female staff. There is one main reason we opt for this policy: customer comfort.

We understand that posing in sensual outfits and having photographs taken can be a daunting experience for some women. As such, we want you to have one less thing to worry about during your session; having an understanding, all-woman team supporting you can make a world of difference to your confidence and comfort levels.

Naturally, boudoir photography is an intimate experience. If you are already comfortable with a male boudoir photographer, that’s fantastic. On the other hand, if you are a newcomer to the boudoir world, it might do your confidence good to have an all-female team behind you.

Whatever the case, the bottom line is this: a true professional will never make you feel uncomfortable, regardless of gender. That’s why your comfort and safety are our utmost priority before, during, and after your shoot – first and foremost, before anything else.

“I was a little nervous at first, not knowing what to expect. Maggie and Kelly were truly amazing to work with. They make you feel very comfortable the moment you walk in the door.” Read more testimonials from our real clients here.

  1. Posing Is Key

Chicago boudoir photography Here’s the thing, everyone thinks they need to lose five or ten pounds before coming in. We promise you don’t – you’re perfect as you are. Sadly, many people don’t believe that, but it’s true. When having a boudoir shoot, one of the most important factors is a photographer who knows how to direct you into stunning poses that flatter you and highlight your best angles.

The right pose, along with a beautiful outfit and hair and makeup session, can go a long way in capturing the elegance and quality you desire. The best Chicago boudoir photographers understand what angles flatter different body types and can coach you there with ease.

It’s true: there are a lot of wonderful Chicago boudoir photographers, but the true test of skill is a boudoir portfolio showing a broad range of women of all shapes, sizes, and styles looking fabulous – not just one body type. For some inspiration, check out one of our behind-the-scenes videos showing how we coach a beautiful pose.


  1. A Honed Craft

Come across any Chicago boudoir photographer, and you’ll likely find someone with a high-end SLR camera, complex photo editing software, and other fancy accessories. Yet a great picture requires a lot more than just expensive gear. It takes experience and the right approach. It also takes an artistic flair that cannot be taught.

Simply put, it’s not the equipment that makes the picture but the person behind the lens. Someone can spend all the money in the world on fancy gizmos, yet it is true knowledge of how light, lens choice, angles, and timing all go into what brings an image to life.

This applies to any photography project, although it is especially pertinent when it comes to boudoir photos. Experience and talent are key in making any woman look great – not to mention a healthy amount of EQ, which is particularly important when they’re looking gorgeous in their lingerie!

  1. Tastes Vary

curvy figure boudoir photos 0004Chicago boudoir photography doesn’t fit into a small, restricted box. There are many different approaches and styles that are used for photo shoots. If you want something traditional and classic, you can find someone to do the job. If luxury boudoir is more to your taste, no problem. There are even Chicago boudoir photographers available that will opt for an overt, even cartoonish take on sessions.

Selecting the right style for your tastes and preferences is obviously important. For us, boudoir photos that really bring out those “ooh…” and “awe…” reactions are those that wouldn’t look out of place in a magazine. That’s what we always aim to achieve for our clients at Revealed.

Whatever route you take, avoid settling for the obvious or cliché. Work that elevates has an artistry to it that, ultimately, leaves you feeling positive and empowered.

  1. It’s All About the Ambiance

Location is an element you should never overlook with a boudoir photoshoot. The setting can make all the difference to the quality and style of the photos. Typically, Chicago boudoir photographers will snap their shots in home studios, hotel rooms, or in front of storefronts. What’s important to remember is that not all locations are created equal.

chicago maternity photos 0014Location is important to consider if you’re looking into a future boudoir session. It’ll determine your photos’ background and affect your overall experience. Whether virtually or in person, check a place out before booking a shoot and see if it matches your vibe. It’s okay if you’re not in a “boudoir studio,” so long as you’re in a safe, comforting space.

When we first started out, we worked out of hotel rooms and even our own homes. We did our absolute best to ensure the experience was still as professional as possible, no matter the location. However, reading a point when we could have our own studio space was a highlight of our career. It allowed us the ability to control the atmosphere and have full confidence in the setting.


Do you want more insider info? As one of the premier Chicago boudoir photographers, we have a lot to share! Sign up and receive 7 free tips to get the most out of your boudoir session.

You might also be interested in the following article:

Milestone Birthday: 6 Reasons Why to Celebrate Your Milestone with a Boudoir Photoshoot

We often look for new ways to celebrate our milestones as we age. Whether it’s a 30th, 40th, 50th, or even a 60th birthday, these milestones are an opportunity to reflect on the past, look forward to the future, and celebrate the present. What better way to practice self-love at any age than with a milestone boudoir photoshoot? 

If self-love isn’t reason enough, discover why people choose boudoir. 

1. Confidence. 

One of the most significant benefits of having a boudoir photoshoot is the boost in confidence it can give you. In taking action, despite any nerves pulling you back, you affirm your value. Committing to this experience is like shouting “I’m worth” at the top of your lungs–which you ARE! Trusting a team of women to capture you, even in what for many is a very vulnerable state, further reinforces your confidence and bravery. 

You’ll walk away feeling a bit like you climbed a mountain or dove off a cliff. It’s fun, invigorating, and is a powerful boost to your confidence. 

birthday boudoir photos

2. Celebrating the Body

We all have insecurities about our bodies, especially as we age. However, a boudoir photoshoot is an opportunity to celebrate and appreciate your body for all it is. It’s a chance to see yourself in a new and kind light. When working with trusted professionals who support and guide you the whole way, you’ll feel safe looking at your body with loving kindness rather than through a critical lens. 

3. Signifying the Future

“Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” 

– Betty Friedan

A milestone birthday is a perfect time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. A boudoir photoshoot can be a symbolic way to signify the start of a new chapter in your life. It’s a way to honor the person you are now and all you hope to be. When you imagine your best self, what do they look like? Not just on the surface. How is their body language? What is their posture? How do they speak to themselves? I bet your imagined best self’s inner voice is kind. I bet there is peace and appreciation for the incredible things your body has lived through and achieved. Hold tight to that vision and bring that sense of gratitude to your milestone photoshoot. 

4. Empowerment

empowering boudoir photosA boudoir photoshoot is an empowering experience. It’s a way to take control of your body and your image. You get to choose what you wear, how you pose, and how you want to be photographed. It’s an opportunity to feel completely in charge of your image. You get to have full agency over what you wear and how you wear it, even if it’s nothing at all! Not only is this liberating, but it’s also so fun! It’s your chance for a little adult dress-up. Embracing a sense of fantasy and playfulness. Step out of your yoga pants, jeans, or workwear and into something that transports you into a new energy. For ideas, check out this article. 

5. The Ultimate Act of Self-Care

A boudoir photoshoot is the ultimate act of self-care. It’s a way to treat yourself and do something that makes you feel good about yourself. It’s a chance to take time out of your busy schedule and focus on yourself for a change. Maybe you’re a nurse, a teacher, or a mom who, hour after hour, always puts others first; perhaps you’re an executive in a predominantly male workforce and eager for a safe venue to express your feminine side. Maybe you just went through a transformative physical journey, e.g., a bilateral mastectomy, a marathon, weight loss, or pregnancy, and are feeling ready for an experience to feel good in your body. 

6. Going Outside of Comfort Zones

A boudoir photoshoot can be challenging because you’re revealing yourself in a way you haven’t before. However, it’s also an opportunity to push yourself. It’s been said that growth happens outside of your comfort zone. So ditch the status quo and water your own soil. You might be surprised how much growth comes from your own personal milestone photoshoot. 

7. Making Memories

A milestone boudoir photoshoot is a way to create lasting memories. One day, decades from now, you’ll look back and love that you have these photos. You’ll say I lived. I was brave and beautiful, and I chose to love myself.

It’s also a way to create a legacy for future generations. While some photos might be for special eyes only, there will certainly be tastefully artistic images safe to share with your children one day. What a powerful example of self-love to show your children. You are also teaching them how to love themselves. 

There are so many reasons why women come to our studio, even beyond milestones and birthday boudoir photoshoots. Whatever yours, we’re here to support and affirm that it’s a valid one.

Commonly Asked Boudoir Photoshoot Questions 

You may have some questions if you’re considering a milestone boudoir photoshoot. Here are some commonly asked questions and how to prep for your photoshoot:

1. What should I wear? 

Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. It can be lingerie, a favorite slip, or a t-shirt. Skies the limit when it comes to styling, from the ornate and complex to the casual and cozy, stray true to what feels right for you. 

2. Do I need to know how to pose? 

Not at all! Think of us as fitness instructors or movie directors. We’ll seamlessly guide you through a flow that looks natural and amazing. 

3. Can I bring a friend with me? 

Totally! We welcome friends during hair and makeup. We also offer bundle rates if you both want to do sessions at the same time!

4. How do I prepare for the photoshoot? 

Get a good night’s sleep, drink plenty of water, and make sure you’re well-rested. For more details, read our What to Expect section. For a how-to prep guide with links to our favorite stores for shopping and more, join our mailing list and receive our full 8-page prep guide. 

Don’t see your question? Check out our extensive FAQ page for additional questions and answers about boudoir photography and your photoshoot.

In conclusion, a boudoir photoshoot is a great way to celebrate a milestone birthday. It’s an opportunity to boost your confidence, celebrate your body, and create lasting memories. If you’re considering one, don’t hesitate to take the plunge. You won’t regret it!

Bridal Boudoir Outfits: What to Wear for Your Bridal Shoot

Discover the 9 Top Bridal Boudoir Outfits you want to consider for your bridal photoshoot.

When it comes to bridal boudoir outfits, choosing the right pieces is key to feeling confident and beautiful. Whether you’re looking to surprise your partner or capture some intimate and elegant shots, we’re here to help with the emotional labor of planning your looks.  Check out these suggestions below. If you’re still struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here for you!

1. Wedding Veil.

bridal boudoir veil image
A veil can add a touch of romance and elegance to your bridal boudoir shoot. It can be worn alone or paired with lingerie or a silk robe for a softer look. We particularly love longer veils at Revealed because you can use them to wrap around your form. When lit from behind or set against a darker background, they’re particularly dramatic and give an old-world, classically elegant vibe.

2. Groom’s Shirt.

Wearing your partner’s shirt can add a personal and intimate touch to your bridal boudoir shoot. It’s a simple yet sexy look that can be paired with lingerie or worn independently. We recommend an oversized white option. If your partner is on the smaller size, don’t be afraid to shop for one that works with your frame. Having a little extra fabric gives us more flexibility with posing, i.e., you can drop it off your shoulders or tug it around your waist for a hint of your tush. So tantalizing! It’ll have him begging the question:  “Whadya got underneath there?”

3. Silk Robes.

Silk robes are a classic option for boudoir shoots, and for good reason. They’re comfortable and elegant and come in various colors and styles to match your taste. They are not only gorgeous to wear, but bonus, they’re wonderful at creating more cinematic images. For example, you can slowly loosen the tie or peel it off your shoulders, then drop it to the ground to create a sense of voyeurism in the best way.

4. Bodysuits.

bridal boudoir body suitWe feel like bodysuits were highly underrated for many years, but they’re finally getting the appreciation they deserve. They’re a great choice for bridal boudoir shoots, as they’re flattering and come in various styles and colors. Whether looking for something lacy or sheer, a bodysuit can highlight your curves while covering areas you might feel less confident about.

5. Lingerie.

Of course, lingerie is a go-to option for bridal boudoir shoots. From bra and panty sets to corsets and garters, there’s a lingerie look for everyone. Choose a style that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Are you a francophile? Why not play off this with a demi-laced bra, lace garter, and sheer stockings? Maybe you’re a bit more edgy; just because you’re getting married doesn’t mean you need to deny that side of yourself and don only white. Bring in the leather and straps. Owning your unique taste will make your bridal boudoir session that much more special for your partner AND you. 

6. Bridal Accessories.

bridal shoesThere’s a lot of value in sticking to the classics. Pearls and diamonds are tried and true options for accessorizing your look. We love seeing a pop of sparkle or the sheen from a pearl. You’re the star of the show, so keep your jewelry simple. 

If you want to step out of the box and need even more bridal boudoir outfit ideas, there are some really elegant and fun statement pieces to consider. These one-of-a-kind gloves are show stoppers that add a personal touch to your pictures. Or, go a little extra with a body chain that still reads elegant but pushes the envelope a bit. 

7. Shoes.

You can never go wrong with a nude stiletto as a bride-to-be. They go with almost everything and are an easy fallback for your photoshoot. However, if you’re like many a bride before you and splurging a bit in the shoe department, get a little extra mileage and bring them in! We love incorporating bridal shoes into pictures.

8. Oversized Sweater.

For a cozy and intimate look, throw on an oversized sweater. It is a timeless, approachable romantic option paired with simple cotton undies, long socks, or worn on its own.

9. Sheer Cover-Up.

For a sexy and mysterious look, consider wearing a sheer cover-up for your bridal boudoir shoot. It’s a versatile option that can be layered over lingerie or worn for a more revealing look.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to bring pieces you feel good in. Even if you bring nothing, we can create epic artwork with a simple sheet from the bed or fallback on some tasteful nudes. Whoever you’re marrying will be thrilled no matter what you’re in! So have fun. Your “all-in” mindset is the best thing you could bring!

What does a boudoir nude photo shoot entail?

We totally think you should take naked photos during your nude boudoir photography session and here’s why…

Let me say this right off the bat; we totally think you should take nude photos during your nude boudoir photography session! Before you get too freaked out and run for the hills, let me explain. These nude photos aren’t any old snapshots – we’re talking tasteful nudes. While we’re not here to shame pornography, that’s not the line of work we’re in.

nude photos boudoir

Instead, our field of expertise turns women into works of art through photography. We think the experience is liberating, empowering, and, honestly, fun. Plus, every resulting nude boudoir photo is an intimate, unforgettable creation that you might even hang up on your bedroom walls!

This article will cover the common ins and outs of taking nude boudoir photos, including:

–   Why should you take photos in the buff?

–   What’s it like to experience a nude photo shoot?

–   How to feel comfortable during your boudoir experience

–   Ensuring your images remain private if you’d prefer

–   How to use your nude images as wall art

–   How to dip your toes with implied nude photography

What Are the Benefits of Taking Naked Pictures?

“Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, “Oh, I’m too spooky,” or “Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies,” but believe me: one day, you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, ‘Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!’”- Moira Rose

We know there are plenty of reasons to indulge in nude boudoir photography. So, what are the reasons why you should give it a shot? For one, the experience can be very liberating. When photographed in a safe environment by a professional, you create a positive association with your nude form.

For those who’ve experienced trauma with their bodies or struggled with shame or insecurity, the process of taking a nude boudoir photo can be very healing. It’s a brave act that can support a greater sense of self-acceptance. For others, it can simply feel good to be less restricted. There’s something a little magical about letting your body be the subject rather than your clothing!

What to Do with Your Nude Pictures?

Nude photos boudoirThroughout history, people have used the human form as works of art, and yours should be no exception. Often with our clients, we create abstract images that are subtle yet striking. We also love turning these boudoir photos into framed prints for wall art. If you’re a bit bashful about having your bum on display for all to see, a bathroom, bedroom, or private closet can be your spot of choice for your nude boudoir photo (no one but you or your partner need to see it!).

We’ve had clients create collages to hang over their beds, tiny prints to sneak into a gallery wall, and others who’ve chosen a more private product like an album or image box that can be stored in a secret area. We have plenty of options, whatever your flavor! Our goal is to provide nude boudoir photography in Chicago that suits every woman.

How to Not Feel Nervous Before a Nude Boudoir Photoshoot?

nude-photos-boudoir-session-01Does the prospect of a nude boudoir photo shoot fill you with stress? Perhaps you’re worried about embarrassment or scared that you’ll run for the hills once you step into the studio. Fear not – there are plenty of ways to make the nude boudoir photography experience as stress-free as a spa day.

One way to ease your nerves before your photoshoot is to build trust with your photographer before getting undressed. At our studio in Chicago, Kelly and I will do everything we can to help you settle into the photo shoot, so feel free to talk to us as much as you want so that you feel comfortable.

Another way to feel less nervous is to talk to people that have done a nude boudoir photo shoot before, like your neighbor, coworker, best friend, or sister. If you’d like, consider taking one of these people along to the shoot (they can always stay in another room while you slip into your birthday suit!)

What’s It Like Taking Naked Photos?

The lead-up…

The lead-up to a Chicago boudoir photography session might have you full of questions. Well, we’re here to ensure you know exactly what to expect. First, you’ll book your session – don’t worry, our Chicago Boudoir Prices are hard to match! Then, you’ll enter the appointment and get your hair and makeup professionally done, all ready to create luxury boudoir photos that you’ll treasure forever.

In our line of work, we see a lot of bodies, so many that we’re pretty darn comfortable with nudity. To us, there is no shame in the naked form, which is why we love creating nude boudoir photography. That being said, it’s normal to feel vulnerable and even uncomfortable in the buff (We’re with you. I still get shy when I’m naked in front of my husband or at the OBGYN!).

To create the most comforting nude boudoir photography experience, Kelly and I work backward from the experience we’d want for ourselves. That is to say, we want to feel like we’re in the hands of a professional who also makes us feel like an instant friend. We do that by being lighthearted (laughter is always helpful during boudoir photography), warm, and open. You are in the driver’s seat here, and we’ll always check with you first on how much you want to reveal.

Before we start, we’ll also talk through the flow of nude boudoir photography so that there are no surprises. For example, we might say, “in this in this scene, there’s an option for a photo where we capture you taking your bra off from behind. You can completely cover your chest, position your arms for a bit of side boob, or drop your arms down. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with.”

A typical scenario for creating fine art nudes:

To help you feel more comfortable, we’ll even demonstrate poses, showing exactly how limbs can cover private parts. That way, you’ll have complete agency over what you want to show, whether that’s a touch of elegance with poses that hide the naked body or a more revealing photo shoot. We recognize that everyone has different comfort levels and personal histories in this area. We never push anyone to do something they don’t want to. Your comfort and confidence are our priority.

Often, “getting naked” happens in a flow of posing so that it feels like the continuation of a sequence, e.g., taking off your bra or undressing before bed. We are drawn to images that feel natural and, not to sound cheesy, but a bit poetic. There are times when we do stand-alone shots, like the one below. In those instances, we’ll show the pose and let you get in position.

We don’t do the whole ‘completely leave the room’ thing while this happens, but Kelly and I might chit-chat or check our camera settings to allow you some privacy. Then, we’ll snap away before handing you a robe upon the completion of the nude boudoir photography session. Our goal is to make the process a breeze for you.

Baring it all: what if you want to do a full frontal “Samantha-sex-in-the-city” moment?

Sometimes clients request an entire “series” of nude photos with a variety of poses. In this case, we like to talk through their vision beforehand to make sure everyone is on the same page. For example, one client did a vintage-fold-out inspired series on a white background. She let us know her concept up front and talked through what feel she wanted. The resulting photos are timeless, feminine, and playful.

As for our boundaries, we’re comfortable with “baring it all,” so long as the tone of the images leans more implied over explicit. Remember, you are in the driving seat of the nude boudoir photo shoot – you are in complete control at all times.

“I’m not there yet, but what about implied nude?”

nude-photos-boudoir-session-01If you’re not ready to rock your birthday suit in a nude boudoir photography shoot, there are other options for you! A cleverly draped sheet can be used to create the same effect. You can keep everything on beneath but drop your bra straps or stick out a leg to create the effect of “wearing nothing but the sheets.” Just let us know, and we’ll be happy to accommodate you.

On privacy: how to keep your nude photos “for your eyes only”

You’re in good company if your biggest concern regarding your nude boudoir photo session is keeping these oh-so-intimate images private. Most of our clients opt never to show their boudoir photos, even those wearing lingerie. We fully support that decision. We provide a password-protected link that allows access to the final images from the boudoir photography session, where you can download them to your personal storage device for safekeeping.

I’m gonna geek out for a minute, but we personally use a multi-factor password system to store our images. We highly recommend this for anyone hoping to keep their most intimate pictures just that – intimate and private. We’re also happy to delete your pictures from our storage devices upon your request after you’ve received them. Just keep in mind that we won’t be able to retrieve them if your copy is lost or corrupted if you choose that option. Lastly, we only ever publish images in our marketing material after receiving written consent for use.

We provide a nude boudoir photography experience that we are proud of. If you’re interested in getting your Chicago Boudoir Photos done, why not visit our gallery of fine art nudes? It’ll show you what to expect!

Have more questions? Contact us here or call 773-273-9063.


Must have items for your Boudoir Session: The Essentials List

must have items for boudoir photo shootThe foolproof guide to shopping for your boudoir photoshoot

Alright, you’ve officially booked your session, now it’s time to must-have items for boudoir photo shoot.  Unless you have a career as a burlesque dancer or stage actress, you prooooobably don’t wear garters on a regular basis. So it’s no surprise if you’re unsure which style to buy.  You’re in the majority, don’t worry!

From our years of experience, we’ve learned a few tricks of the trade. Now it’s time to divulge our secrets.

These are insider tips for what to bring to your boudoir photoshoot:

  1. Heels: First of all, let’s get this out of the way, you do NOT need to bring heels. If you’re a flats-only or no shoes at all, barefoot kinda gal, that’s ok with us. But for those who embrace a high-heel, we recommend a classic black or nude pump. We’re particularly keen on one with a pointed toe because it elongates the leg. Why a nude or black pump, you ask? From one shoe lover to another, we understand the inclination for the hottest trend on the market (hello studded Valentino’s), but unless you plan to do a boudoir session every year for the rest of your life (which is cool with us) a neutral stiletto os a versatile and timeless choice. They’ll go with anything without being distracting.must have items for boudoir photo shoot high heels
  2. Bras: Here’s our most important piece of advice when it comes to a bra, buy one that fits. Second, (a close second), bring one with support. The first should be obvious, but frankly, it’s kinda tricky to nail the right size. Nordstrom or Victoria’s Secret offer complimentary fittings to all their customers. As for our second nugget of wisdom, it comes from a good place. You’re going to be lying down a lot during your session, so you’ll want something to keep the girls tucked in nicely. For more on this matter, check out our article on finding the perfect lingerie for your body type. must have items for boudoir photo shoot
  3. Bodysuit: Along the same line as this, when it comes to bodysuits or slips, if you happen to be well-endowed up top, look for pieces with built-in support or shapewear material like Pinsy’s shapewear line. Kelly actually did plenty of research in this area when she did her boudoir shoot and came across a unique piece from UK-based line & Other Stories. Unfortunately, they no longer carry the exact piece, but it can be an inspiration for something similar.The goal is to find something that will lift the girls and help define your waist.  Items with detailing at your real waist are also wonderful for further highlighting and even creating the illusion of a waist. Just keep in mind, you’re going to be moving quite a bit during your boudoir photo shoot, so you’ll want to make sure you’re garments are doing their job and shaping you. must have items for boudoir photo shoot body suit
  4. Underwear: This is quite personal, and to be honest, it might depend on who’s on the receiving end of your pictures. But we’ll add a few qualifications to consider.
    • If you have tan lines, we recommend more coverage or opting for a spray or self-tanner to blend them a bit. Those with cellulite (you and me both) don’t let this be a deciding factor, we’ll take care of you there if you’re self-conscious of your dimples.
    • For those with booty envy, aka flatter bums, play it up with a thong or bikini style.
    • When it comes to buying thongs, go with this:Victoria secret black thong
    • Not this:V-string underwear The first is almost universally more flattering.   Often times lingerie sets come with a v-string. Do yourself a favor and buy something separate to go with the top.
  5. Layers: Having an outer option is a great way to add variety to your session and also gives you something to do in your images (like casually slipping it off). A silk or lace robe is lovely. A white shirt is our favorite and most popular layer.  There’s something super irresistible about a lady in a button-down shirt for boudoir photos. It works on so many levels, not just in creating visual interest, but also in the subtle messaging it makes to the viewer.must have items for boudoir photo shoot layers
  6. Jewelry: When it comes to jewelry for your boudoir session, we often say, “less is more.” Your lingerie and form should be the shining feature of these pictures. We recommend sticking to small, timeless pieces in gold or silver with pearls or sparkle. There are of course exceptions to every rule. We’ve seen clients layer necklaces (example below) effectively and it’s been quite the moment. To maintain a pleasing balance when opting for a statement jewelry look, keep everything else simple and understated. Another example of this is a body chain. They are so, so good when done right. Try wearing one with nothing up top or peeking beneath a layer.

    must have items for boudoir photo shoot

  7. Garters: No elastic, please! This might seem counterintuitive, but if you’re going all out, forget the elastic and let the clips do the work. This ensures no unwanted bulging around the top band like this. If, however, you can’t find a pair that works for you without the elastic, try a brand designed with this in mind. It’s a bit of a splurge, but Wolford has a line that we really love:what to bring boudoir photoshoot garters
  8. Water: No joke, a boudoir session can be quite the workout. Stay hydrated and get ahead of your sore muscles the next day!

For more style and prep tips for your boudoir session, send us an email and we’ll share our exclusive style guide pdf. You can also check out this birthday boudoir post with a list of some of our favorite boudoir props.

Did you find this helpful?  Wonderful, maybe others would too! Spread the message by posting to Pinterest or Facebook.

The Perfect Lingerie For Your Body Type

The Best Lingerie for Your Body Type: How to Choose

By Maggie Rife Ponce

*Images credit Refinery29 in The Best Sexy Lingerie For Your Body by Ellen Hoffman

Types of Lingerie: How to Choose for Your Body Type 

Flattering Lingerie for each body type. 

Are you planning a boudoir photography shoot soon? To do this and feel great in your own skin, you need to pick the best kind of flattering lingerie to match your body type.

Considering that, this guide will explore the different types of lingerie to match your figure and how to choose lingerie to make you look and feel sexy.

Flatter Your Figure by Selecting The Ideal Lingerie For Your Body Shape

You’ve likely heard of people talking about an hourglass figure, but surely that’s not the only body type? After all, not everybody has a figure like Jennifer Lopez! There are other body types, such as the pear, the apple, the rectangle, and the inverted triangle. These terms may seem to change all the time, but don’t worry – this guide will help you better label and identify different female body types to help you choose the right flattering lingerie to look even more amazing!

We know that few people are happy using labels to define body shapes. If you aren’t sure how best to match your body shape to the most flattering lingerie, please read on. We want to help you enhance your natural, beautiful build and show you how to choose lingerie with ease!

Common female body types and lingerie recommendations

Each of these descriptive terms for each female body type was chosen due to its appearance. A pear body shape looks like a pear; an apple looks like an apple, and so on! It’s not totally surprising, but the real value of knowing these shapes comes from the industry experts and their fashion advice on how best to dress these various forms and which types of flattering lingerie look best on each.

Apple Body Type

apple-body-shapesLadies with apple-shaped figures tend to have wider waistlines and narrower, smaller busts and smaller hips. Some of the most notable Apple-shaped celebrities include Jessica Simpson and even Adele. So, if you have this build and you want to know how to choose lingerie that enhances it, you may want to look into lingerie that elongates the middle of the figure. Envision body suits with detailing around the center, creating more angles. Shapewear and pieces with a band or garter belt at the waist help bring the stomach inward. This will create a slimming effect and help balance out your smaller upper body.

Apple Shape Lingerie Shops

A few brands aim to cater to the types of lingerie that would look great on someone with an apple body shape. Pinsy’s are a great alternative to a traditional bra and knickers set, with a bodysuit with skin-smoothing lace. Pinsy’s flattering lingerie looks great and helps shift the focus to all your (and your partner’s) favorite bits without preventing you from breathing!

Busty Body Type

If you are a lady that has a D cup or higher, you will know from experience that the sexy chiffon or satin-based lingerie isn’t really

busty-body shape

 designed for women who have a larger bosom. The French-inspired pieces with minimal to no support, or even cut-out cups, look great on small busts but don’t look very good if you have heavier breasts.

There is some good news! If you’re fuller on top, the lingerie market seems to be finally offering more options with newer technology, which has underwire and built-in cup support to help you feel sexy in the bedroom or at a boudoir session.

How To Find Bust Friendly Lingerie

Finding the best lingerie to match a bustier build can be tricky. If you have a heavier bust, you also need to know your breast shape or type to get the most out of lingerie. Do you have wide-set breasts? Are they dense, tear-shaped, or a mix? Luckily, our team at Revealed Studios has some tips!

Curvy Kate offers a mix of traditional corsets or bustiers and bondage-based pieces. If you love Burlesque, they have a range of Dita Von Tesse options, and Skims adds a modern take to everyday wear. 

There is also a brand known as Bravissimo, which offers virtual fittings and has a great range of bras for sizes D and up.

short torso body type

Short Torso Lingerie

If you are blessed with longer legs or have a natural higher waist, you may want to shop for pieces that create the illusion of having a longer midsection. 

How does that work? Low-rise briefs and thongs! These make the exposed torso look longer, whereas the opposite occurs if you wear high-waisted undies!

You can play around with hipster or cheek-exposing undies, or why not try items that cut high on the hips and accentuate your long legs?

ballerina-body shapeBallerina or Sporty Body Types

If you have a slender and muscular frame, you have been given the gift of being versatile in the types of lingerie you can wear.

You may feel a bit challenged due to the lack of curves, but sexy lingerie is not your enemy! You can opt for tight-fitting pieces that showcase your angles, such as bodysuits and bras with less coverage—essentially, lingerie types that wouldn’t look out of place on a ballerina. 

If you are looking for underwear, choose items that aren’t too high in the back can look great, aka cheeky style, as you don’t want your bottom looking flat!


Carrot Body Type

A carrot body shape is like an inverted triangle, slimmer on the bottom but wider on the top. So, if you want to look and feel sexy in lingerie, aim to flatter your broad shoulders. 

Halter tops, strapless tops, and barely-there pieces can help. If you want to draw attention to your bottom parts, wear some cheek-peek undies!

small chest body typeSmall Chest Body Types

Some ladies have smaller boobs, and so when finding the best lingerie to make you feel sexy, you will want the focus to be on the breasts. 

If you want, you have the enviable option to go braless or to wear a push-up bra or bralette. You can also opt for a minimal (or no) bra and put the focus on some fun bottoms while wearing something sexy on top, like a leather jacket or shirt. For inspiration, check out this post.

Long Torso Body Type

long torso-body-shape

You can go one of two ways for those with a longer torso. If you’re feeling confident with your tummy, show off all that abdomen with barely-there bras and underwear. If you’re not too keen on that idea, however, consider high-waisted underwear, which can shorten your torso and create the illusion of longer legs if you choose a fit that cuts higher on the hip.

Ruler Body Types

Ladies with a ruler body shape are straight throughout- think of Gwyneth Paltrow. The key to enhancing the symmetry across the boobs, waist, and bust is to look for bralettes or longline bras that extend down the torso. Think retro options.

Then, you have lingerie crop tops and high-waisted underwear, which can bring focus to your midsection without push-up bras or anything else being needed!

hourglass-body-shapeHourglass Body Type 

If you have an hourglass figure, your chest and hips are about the same size, and your waist is the narrowest part, this shape can be emphasized and enhanced with suspended belts or matching bra and panty sets. When choosing lingerie, lace can be used to show off that enviable waist that comes with hourglass bodies, while a suspended belt can draw attention to your hips.

petite and compact body shapePetite & Compact Body Type 

If you are looking for lingerie for a body type that is thin or petite, you have more options than you may think, as you don’t need heavy-duty bras!

Yes, padded bras may help you highlight your features, but bra options now are about the more natural look. So, when asking what is the best lingerie for my body type, have fun and go with the demi-cup. You can also experiment with bra structures and fabrics, such as lace, mesh, and strappy numbers.


Pear Body Type

Think of an inverted carrot, and you will have a pear.

Women with pear body shapes have a fuller bottom, hips, and smaller bosom. So, when it comes to choosing the best lingerie for your body, you will want to choose a brand that shows off your narrow waist and collarbone. 

Lingerie types that fall into longline bras, bandeaus, or halters make for a pear’s most appealing lingerie combos. If you feel confident showing off your bottom, a panty set made up of thongs, briefs, or high-waisted pieces always looks great on pears!

To learn more tips for styling your boudoir photoshoot, to ask us about boudoir photography, or to select thebest lingerie for your body type, send us an inquiry at[email protected]. We have a full-style guide we’re happy to share with you! 

How To Wash Lingerie

With wires, frilly bits, and elastic, it can be hard to know how to best care for your lingerie. To avoid shrinking or warping your linger, always wash on a gentle cycle. 

Also, be sure to use warm (not hot!) water. This will help remove stains and prevent wires from warping and elastic from shrinking. Or, if you are able, you can hand wash it with cool water and detergent. Do not tumble dry lingerie; allow it to drip dry!

How To Store Lingerie?

This will depend on the material of the lingerie, its cost, how often you wear it, and, of course, your space!

Some ladies prefer to store their Basques and bustiers in their wardrobe, hanging with dresses and skirts. However, storing your lingerie in bags and placing the items in a drawer may be preferable. This will stop lacey material from snagging on bra hooks. Some women put their lingerie in their drawers with more everyday items. We recommend putting larger pieces, like body suits, underneath your bras and knickers to prevent tears.

How To Pose in Lingerie? 

Whether it is a special occasion, like Valentine’s Day, or you want to show off your sexy lingerie, you may be puzzled about how to pose. That’s what we’re here for! We’ll guide you through poses like a fitness instructor leads a class. Sometimes, the poses may feel awkward at times. We know. But trust us when we say, “Crawl like a cat, or drop that strap off your shoulder,”that you look amazing.

30th birthday boudoir #Thisis30

The many reasons why a 30th birthday boudoir photoshoot is a perfect way to celebrate 

For many women, entering their thirties is a big deal.  Your twenties are often marred with questionable decisions and growing pains. Your teen years are angst-filled and confusing. But your thirties are when you feel like you’re finally getting your footing. A 30th birthday boudoir photoshoot is a great way to celebrate feeling better than ever before in your own skin. 

30th birthday boudoir photoshoot

Boudoir photography isn’t just sexy photos, the experience is an act of self-love

Tracee, the subject in these photos, did just that by entering her third decade with a boudoir photo session.

“I’ve wanted to do this shoot for years, and the moment I let go of my 20s, I felt READY. It was a birthday present to myself.”

Tracee’s words speak to how boudoir sessions can be a form of self self-love. Your session is a gesture that embraces who you are mind, body, and spirit. While it can feel like you’re taking a scary step forward, that first step is one of the most impactful parts of the process. Most women come in with shaky hands or a flutter in their belly. It’s not every day you greet a new person and then stand in front of them an hour later in your underwear. We get it! But, in taking that brave step of showing up despite those fears, you’re saying to yourself “I’m worthy of these pictures. I’m worthy of this investment, and I’m excited to see what happens.” 

We understand that can be easier said than done. Which is what we’re here for!  We will support you the whole time–“yes, and” you. It’s our mission to give you the ultimate confidence-boosting experience. 

The other benefits of a 30th birthday boudoir photoshoot 

Emotional benefits aside, there are so many other reasons why a boudoir session is such a great way to celebrate your 30th birthday. Ummm, like for one, it’s super fun. You get to get all dressed up in pretty little things, get your hair and makeup professionally done, then roll around for a few hours leaning into your unbridled self. I know that probably sounds a little terrifying, at least the part about rolling around while also having your photos taken, but we’ve got you on that end. We’ll coach you through every step of the process, just like a fitness instructor guides and even pushes you a little out of your everyday comfort zone. When you show up for yourself and engage in the creative process, don’t be surprised if you find yourself inspired by your movements, the space, and the feeling of letting go.

30th birthday boudoir photoshoot

Inside almost everyone is a part of us that enjoys a little fantasy, having an excuse to dress up and get a little playful. As we get older, opportunities to get all glammed up become few and far between. Doing a boudoir session is a great excuse to indulge that side of yourself. It’s exciting to shop for and wear things you probably don’t have on a regular basis. Each photoshoot includes a minimum of three outfits, each that should speak to your unique taste and comfort. For some, that means lace and straps–the works, for others, it’s might be more toned down, like the classic Calvin Klein cotton bra and underwear set, and for others, it could be a cosplay getup. Whatever feels good to you, we support it! Choosing pieces that you feel amazing in is part of the transformative power of the experience. 

Where to start on your boudoir outfits

Some of our clients aren’t sure where to start, if that’s you, don’t worry! We are here to help. We offer a style guide with basic tips on our favorite go-to stores for boudoir lingerie in a range of price points. There are also suggestions on which pieces are most flattering for different body types and shoes that look amazing on everyone! 

How about boudoir hair and makeup? 

You also get the work when it comes to boudoir hair and makeup. This isn’t your high school prom kinda makeup. We work with Chicago’s top makeup artists. These amazing ladies will make sure you’re flawless for the camera while still ensuring you still look like yourself! We’re all about taste here at Revealed–tasteful makeup and tasteful imagery. Our team of artists focuses on a timeless, beauty-enhancing application while still considering your particular requests. 

30th birthday boudoir photoshoot While getting glammed up can be an instant shot of confidence, the long-term effects come from the overall experience itself. From the moment you inquire, your commitment is an act that has benefits long after the session is over. What better time to do something like this than when entering a new decade? This is your chance to quiet your inner critic, and instead recognize how far you’ve come. 

Tracee’s Advice to her 20-something self

When we asked Tracee if she could tell her 20-year-old self anything, what it would be, she replied: “First, no one really knows what the hell they are doing. Fake it till you make it. Second, try to focus on the positive. Don’t stare at the part of your body you want to change in the mirror, focus on those parts you LOVE.”

We hope all these reasons show the pros far outway the cons of a 30th boudoir photoshoot. Oh, and one more thing, make sure to plan a night out after. You’re gonna be feeling yourself!

Confidence Boosting Ideas For Your Birthday Boudoir Photoshoot 

Ideas and tips for creating incredible birthday boudoir photos

For most of us, celebrating big on a birthday doesn’t really happen unless you’re hitting a certain decade. But, even if it’s not a big milestone number, every year around the sun is an occasion to celebrate. Your life, your very existence is a reason to celebrate! So, Instead of adding another candle to your cake, why not try something special and out of the norm? A birthday boudoir photoshoot doesn’t just result in amazing keepsakes to have for years to come, but you’ll also have an incredible, confidence-boosting experience.

chicago-boudoir-photography_0013But first…why you should do a birthday boudoir photoshoot?

Maybe you’re thinking to yourself “Ok, but really, a birthday boudoir photoshoot? Isn’t that a little self-indulgent?” or “I could never do that!” Here’s the thing, you can and you should! If there’s anything the last few years have shown us after the lockdown from a global pandemic and a devastating war in Ukraine, it’s that nothing is guaranteed. After the collective trauma we’ve all gone through, we owe it to ourselves to live our fullest lives. I recently came across a quote that I think really sums it up well “Love your f*cking life. Take pictures of everything. Tell people you love them. Talk to random strangers. Do things you’re scared to do. 

quote from Mel robbins "love your f*cking life"

F*ck it, because so many of us die and no one remembers a thing we did. Take your life and make it the best story in the world. Don’t waste that sh*t” – Mel Robbins

Doing a boudoir photo shoot is not an everyday sort of way of spending your birthday. It might feel a bit self-indulgent because it IS! That’s kinda the point! Indulge in yourself. Relish this one life of yours by doing something that forces you out of your comfort zone and into a space of honors your very existence. The very fact that you’re making the commitment to do something that takes time, cost a little more money than you might spend on yourself normally, and scares the sh*t out of you collectively makes the experience so very valuable. 

What do people wear for birthday boudoir photos? 

birthday boudoir fine art nude photography

Their birthday suits, of course 😉 Just kidding, sort of…I mean, some people do, and we’re here for it, but don’t worry, you don’t have to be naked unless you want to! Which many people do, but often in an implied sort of way. We’re all about creating tasteful, timeless imagery that you’ll feel so good about you might even hang it on your own walls.

Besides nothing, though, we see clients come in with anything from a classic bra and undies to elaborate linger sets with straps and hooks and all sorts of fun accents. This is YOUR photo shoot, so let what you wear reflect your taste. We’ve seen clients bring in all black, all pink, all white. Some feel best in sportswear, others want to go ultra-femme with lace and jewels. For inspiration, check out these other posts and visit our Instagram highlights, where you’ll find links to our favorite places to shop for a boudoir photoshoot. 

Let’s talk props


While unnecessary, props can be super fun for a boudoir session. We’ve seen plenty of props over the years, but one of our very favorites for a birthday session can be made from your pantry–cupcakes of course! They’re not only charming and photogenic but there’s something a little teasing about eating the frosting off your fingers. Because how CAN you take yourself too seriously when you’re taking a big old bite of a cupcake? 

Some other ideas boudoir prop ideas include:

  • handcuffs
  • maskbirthday-boudoir-photo-deas-mask
  • beverage of your choice-whisky, champagne, etc… birthday-boudoir-photo-ideas-whiskey
  • boudoir photo ideas champagne glass
  • booksBachelorette Party Photos 0004
  • pearlschicago boudoir photos 0034
  • glasses
  • apron

    chicago boudoir photography 0003

  • robeplus size boudoir photos 0028
  • riding cropChicago boudoir photography 06
  • choker necklace
  • button-down shirtboudoir photography revealed studios22
  • cropped shirt
  • knee-high socks
  • paint brush/something relating to your hobbyMG 6263
  • leather or jean jacket
  • Wrist strapsIMG 64811
  • HeadbandChicago boudoir photos revealed studios 0001
  • FurChicago boudoir photos revealed studios 0013

How about makeup? 

You are in good hands. We have a team of incredibly talented artists who will give you the full works, from hydrating primers to natural, flirty flash lashes. Their application is beauty enhancing, so don’t worry, you’ll still look like yourself, just your best self. If you have any special requests, you can let them know beforehand and they’ll adjust their technique just for you. 

What are some commonly asked questions and how should I prep? 

You can check out our dedicated FAQ page f or all your answers, but before your session, we also offer a phone consultation to talk you through the entire process. But the most important thing to know is that you’ll get full guidance through your photo shoot. Just like fitness instructors or movie directors, we’ll provide lots of cues to help you flow through all the poses and create jaw-dropping photos as a result. 

For prep, after you book with us, our style/prep guide will give you tips on everything from beauty appointments to consider booking before your session to advice for looking and feeling your best on the day of your photoshoot. 

Wanna see more? Check out this birthday boudoir session.  We’d also love to connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

plus size boudoir photos 0028




Birthday Boudoir Photography

Ideas and tips for capturing your best birthday boudoir photos

By now, you’ve probably heard about bridal boudoir. Maybe you were out with some friends and maybe one of them, recently married, shared the gift she gave to her spouse. But, maybe, just maybe she wasn’t. Maybe instead she had a recent birthday, and, after hearing about the celebratory experience of boudoir, thought it was the perfect gift to give herself. A birthday boudoir photography session.


In its most basic understanding, boudoir photography is simply bedroom photos. If you search the meaning of boudoir in a dictionary, you’ll find the definition to read: a woman’s dressing room, bedroom, or private sitting room. This is true of what we do at Revealed. We do, quite literally,  take photos of our clients in bedroom sets. But we believe the experience of a boudoir photo shoot is so much more than the photos you take. Like, yes, jumping out of an airplane during that 20-minute free-fall is a huge thrill, but perhaps even more valuable, and longer-lasting, is the surge of confidence and sense of acceptance you feel afterward.  

We understand how vulnerable it is to show up to a new space, strip down into barely anything, and have yourself photographed doing things you only ever do behind closed doors. Trust us when we say you’re not alone if the very thought sends your pulse racing. Most people haven’t done anything remotely like this before, and definitely not as a birthday celebration to themselves. It takes trust, not only in the photographer but also in yourself to carry through with the experience. Finding the courage to do such a thing is one of the many benefits of boudoir photography. In doing so, you are affirming that you’re worthy, ready, and capable of such an act. 

Boudoir: A Self-care benefit to free your body, mind, & yourself

Beyond the affirming benefit of boudoir, we also believe it’s a potent dose of self-care, which is a trending term often thrown around loosely, encompassing anything from getting your hair done to talk therapy. What we’ve found is that boudoir allows our clients to intimately connect with parts of themselves that many have been conditioned to ignore or feel shame around. Sexuality and body image are two very personal and sensitive topics for women. For good reason. There’s so much stigma attached to both. However, being among women who not only accept these things about you but celebrate them, can help to heal related trauma around these topics.


As one client put it to us recently: “I can’t even begin to explain how my photoshoot last year was this turning point with my anxiety. Actually, this week I’m tapering off the last of my anxiety meds. Anyways, my experience was incredible.

We’ve also found that there’s a physical sense of connection that our clients experience during sessions. It’s similar to how meditation allows you to be in the present moment, come into your body, and find peace with what you find. The freedom to move in a way that is perfectly natural but often suppressed is extremely liberating. It’s amazing how often we hear our clients say how great they felt after their photoshoot.  

So whether you intend to give these photos as a gift to someone else or do it for yourself, we think birthdays are the perfect excuse to book a boudoir photo session. We’re all for people doing birthday boudoir photography with an intended recipient in mind, but let’s explore why your own birthday is such a great reason. 

Birthday Boudoir Photo Session

birthday-boudoir-photography_0007Unless you make a point to do so, birthdays are milestones that can often pass by without much reflection. Parties and presents can serve as ways to mark the occasion, but once they’re over, you’re back to reality and moving on with your life. Choosing to do birthday boudoir for your annual celebration of life instead of a more traditional manner of celebrating leaves you with all those long lasting-benefits we mentioned earlier. Not to mention, birthdays can also serve as points of renewal. Maybe you want to enter a new decade feeling better than ever in your own skin, or perhaps you’re ready to let go of lingering demon dialogues or habits that you felt defined you in the past. 


While birthday boudoir photography doesn’t instantly achieve those goals, the process empowers a positive mindset. Additionally, we want to offer up a few tips to further reinforce your lasting results. 


  1. Trust the process. This is a big one. There’s a level of commitment and trust we need as professionals to do our best. We are here for you. We WANT you to have an incredible experience. Truly. It’s why we do this work. We totally love pretty pictures, but what really gets us is seeing the intangible, internal value our clients gain from the experience. Believing that we have your best interest throughout the process is HUGE. We promise that our whole team is united in the goal of making you comfortable so you can look and feel your best. Yes, there will be some planning/prepping needed from you beforehand, but once you’re at our studio, we’ll help you lean into the flow.
  2. About that planning: we do want you to show up for yourself a bit. Put a little thought and energy into your outfit choices, selecting pieces that you feel amazing in. If you’re not sure, check out this article or just reach out, we’re more than happy to help!
  3. Treat yourself. Also, if ever there’s a time to treat yourself to some beauty appointments, this is it. That doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune on facials and blowouts; even at-home pampering can go a long way for such an occasion. Practice a little self-love by moisturizing your skin in advance. Get your skin extra glowy and plump by hydrating the day before. Go to bed early so you feel fresh and energized.


  4. Stretching doesn’t hurt! You’ll be doing moves chiropractors would probably shake their heads at, but those poses are part of the artistry. We’re looking to bring out your curves and angles for light and shadow to form around. That’s part of how we create such breathtaking imagery. So loosening up your limbs prior to the session certainly doesn’t hurt.
  5. Mindfulness. It might sound a little cheesy, but we also recommend practicing a little mindfulness around your session. If you can, try to eliminate distractions. Use that fancy new focus feature on the iPhone. Tell people you’ll be occupied for that window of time. Whatever you need to do to help you stay in the moment, we encourage it. Remember, the photos are wonderful, but the experience is super special, too. Carving out the time to be fully present will definitely pay off. 

So, whether it’s a milestone birthday or your 38th, it doesn’t matter. Here’s your excuse for a form of self-love that will hopefully stay with you for many, many years to come. 

Nothing shines like you like a birthday boudoir photography session scheduled to celebrate you in all your beauty. Call today: 773-273-9063 to book and chat about your bday session. You can also fill out our form on our contact us page.

Boudoir shoot lingerie – how I made my own selections

It wasn’t easy, but here’s how I choose my boudoir lingerie

boudoir shoot lingerie

Last week I finally got down to business and wrote about my own experience doing a boudoir shoot. I wanted to also write about what it was like shopping for my outfits but decided to save it for a separate post. What to wear for boudoir lingerie is probably our most commonly asked question.  After going through it myself, I understand why. It can be daunting, so much so that by the end of my shopping, I had a whole blog’s worth of thoughts to share. 


The shoemaker with no shoes

We see so many beautiful pieces belonging to our clients. Maggie and I find ourselves saying all the time “where did you get that?” or “I want to go and get that for myself!” We never do. We want to, but we never do. It’s the classic story of the shoemaker with no shoes. 

Boudoir photographer experience 0001So when I set out to find my own outfits, I knew I wanted something different than my usual cotton undies and basic bra. I also wanted to feel comfortable with what I chose. When I say comfortable, I don’t necessarily mean physical. I wanted to wear things that were flattering and that I wouldn’t feel more self-conscious than I knew I would be standing around in my skivvies. 

Shopping for other boudoir lingerie can be easier than for yourself

Almost as soon as I started shopping, I got overwhelmed. I researched a lot of brands online.  I definitely spent WAY too much time, scouring numerous websites in a probably obsessive way. I’ve advised many clients on this subject, but sometimes it’s easier to shop for others than yourself. This is why I wanted to share thoughts on this in hopes that it might be helpful to others. 

So here’s what lingerie I landed on, and why:

High-waisted underwear by Monique Morin Lingerie

High-waisted underwear- my boudoir hero. Monique Morin Lingerie is a brand that wasn’t even on my radar before I started shopping. But I came across them during all my scouring. They don’t have the largest selection, instead, they focus on more curated styles. I would definitely recommend checking them out. I knew I felt comfortable in high-waisted underwear since I feel the most self-conscious about my stomach. These were fun and comfortable, and something that I’ve actually worn since. I paired it with a simple black bralette (not from the matching set), but they’d also be fun on their own.

boudoir shoot lingerie

Bodysuit by & Other Stories:

When clients reach out for suggestions to steer them in the right direction, we tell them that bodysuits are always a great idea. Classic, but different from the traditional bra and panty set. Taking our advice, I put this on my list. I tried a number of different options, but I had a really hard time finding one that I felt good about. I have a larger chest, so I definitely wanted something with support. We see a lot of beautiful bodysuits, but very rarely see any with underwires or a decent support system. Those super skimpy lace ones, although amazing for some people, wouldn’t work for me. There are a few websites I knew about for bustier gals, including Savage X Fenty, Adore Me, and Oh La La Cherie. I ordered a few, but I was striking out with finding “the perfect one” for three reasons: 

Boudoir lingerie bodysuits: 101

  1. Support.  I mentioned this already, but it felt next to impossible to find a bodysuit with enough support in a style I liked. 
  2. Boning. While flattering when standing, you can’t do a lot of arching or bending, and many laying poses in bodysuits (or corsets) if they have boning. 
  3. Cut. I wanted the right cut on the bottom. Having photographed many women in bodysuits, I knew which were universally most flattering. The goldie locks of bodysuit cuts are high enough on the sides, elongating the legs while shaping the bum. 

I was close to giving up when I stumbled across this green beauty on the UK site “& Other Stories.” It was reasonably priced, felt amazing on, and I’m actually excited to wear this under a blazer someday.

satin lace trim body & other stories

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Pink bra and underwear set:

what to wear boudoir sessionThis one was a little different. I found it at Nordstrom, which is amazing for boudoir shopping. Plus they have a great return policy if you change your mind or buy extra outfits. I showed it to Maggie the morning of my shoot, and we both thought, let’s get weird with this one. She used studio lights and had fun adding a fashion pop flash and cross-processing tone effect to this series of pictures. 

This isn’t the exact set, mine was a slightly different color combo, but it’s close. It’s super flattering and would be for many body types. Most often we say when in doubt go with black for your choices because it’s classic and safe. But, if you’re into color, Dora Larsen is a great line to consider.

It felt a bit like a treasure hunt to find my boudoir outfits, but I love what I landed on in the end. There’s so much to consider when shopping for your looks. I really relate to all our clients who’ve struggled in the past. If you’re ever having trouble coming up with what to wear, please let Maggie and me know. We want to help. If you book with us, we have a prep guide that is a good jumping-off point. But if you get stuck, let us know. It might take some mildly obsessive scouring of the internet, but we’ll find those hidden gems waiting to be discovered. 

For more helpful articles, check out finding the perfect lingerie for your body type and the must-have items to bring to your boudoir photoshoot. 

Boudoir photographer swaps sides of the camera and shares about her experience.

A boudoir photographer on her experience being on the other side of the camera…

I’m going to be upfront about this post. I should have written it MONTHS ago. Now I have no excuse, and Maggie keeps asking me about it. I gave her a date that I’d write it by, and now it’s just a few hours before I said it would be done. But since the Stay at Home order, I’ve had plenty of time to reflect on the role reversal. So what’s was the experience like for me as a boudoir photographer to have my own session?  Read on to find out.

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I wasn’t the “traditional” bride-to-be.

Last March, my partner Terry proposed to me. It was magical, romantic, simple and very “us”. I was excited about being married, excited about certain wedding things, but I was a very reluctant bride. I talked about eloping ALL the time. Even after we had paid deposits, set a date, and sent out invites. Was the week before the wedding a good time to run away and elope on a cliff in Spain?

A chance to do something I felt good about during a sometimes stressful time.

I always thought I’d do a boudoir shoot one day, but like many of our clients, getting married was just the excuse I needed to finally do it. I still wasn’t firm though until about six weeks from our wedding. My partner Terry also happens to be our web developer, so he’s very familiar with the concept of a bride doing a shoot before her wedding. One day he was in our home office working on a website. Again, me not being the most traditional of brides, I casually mentioned I was unsure whether I’d do a shoot before the wedding. Slightly distracted, he nodded his head and said, “yeah, I’m excited to get the album.”  I laughed to myself, and thought, “well, I guess that decides it.”

Hearing this actually had the effect of taking the pressure off. A welcome relief during a time when I really couldn’t handle any more pressure.

What was the boudoir prep like? I was surprised by how good I felt…

I did the shoot about a month before my wedding date. Maggie brought tequila for us. I also brought tequila for us. If you can’t tell, we like tequila. We had a giggle that only boudoir-photographer-best-friends can share.

The morning of my shoot, the lovely Jaycie Ganek was in for a client, so we asked her to stick around. We always say that you’ll feel like the best version of yourself after hair and makeup, but I wasn’t fully prepared to feel that way myself. I automatically felt pretty when she finished. I wish feeling that way wasn’t something society told us we had to do by putting makeup on. But, I also feel like it helped me see myself without directly looking at my flaws (flaws being totally subjective here). And that feeling is priceless, especially for those who tend to be hard on themselves.

The actual shoot was better than I expected.

“Overall, I knew I’d like my boudoir photos, but I also thought, because we shoot these sessions for so many women, the experience would be somewhat lost on me.”

I’m not the biggest fan of looking at myself. I often don’t like the way I look in photos. I tend to go straight to the things I don’t like. I’m critical of my expressions. Something that seems all too common among women. I’ve gone through the process enough with our clients that overall, I knew I’d like my boudoir photos, but I also thought, because we shoot these sessions for so many women, the experience would be somewhat lost on me. Like I would just go through the boudoir motions, come out with some photos I liked “enough”, and check it off the list. But that’s not what happened.

There’s something fun about being in your underwear…

First, the shoot itself was really fun. It was more fun than I thought it would be. I know I had the benefit of having my best friend take my pictures. But, I also feel like this it was we offer every client who walks through the door. It’s one of the things that sets us apart. We’re like instant friends who you can feel comfortable around. It’s also kind of crazy how fun it is to be in just your underwear when you feel like you have an excuse. Is that weird?

Our clients often say doing a shoot made them feel empowered, walk with their heads a little higher, and feel more at home in their bodies. For me, all those things were true as well.  This surprised the hell out of me. It’s going to sound very cheesy, but I felt more myself (a different side to myself) than I normally do. I got to join the club of other people who see me that way, and that felt good. It still feels good. What’s more, I can now get out my photos whenever I want and feel that way all over again.

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What was it like to give my husband the boudoir book?

Boudoir photographer experience 0001I gave Terry the album the night after our wedding. There was no time to do it before. For some people, giving a boudoir gift can be a super sexy thing, and there was definitely that aspect to it, but it felt a little more intimate than just that. He gave a range of reactions looking through it, number one was asking where this lingerie was that he had never seen before. He told me which ones were his favorites and I told him which ones were mine. After we closed it up, he commented on how special it was to see me that way, and I don’t think it was all the sexy poses (even though I don’t think that hurt). I think it was the confidence and openness that he doesn’t always see on a regular basis.

Looking through the album with him, I got to see how he sees me, and having that, and knowing that, has been a much more important gift to myself.

Ok, that’s enough self-reflection for today!

Interested in booking your own boudoir photoshoot?  Contact us here or call today at 773-273-9063.

For more of our work, check out these links below:


Unconditional love. We do it for our friends, pets, and partners, why not ourselves?

unconditional love

Self-love. The struggle is real.

If you were to sneak inside my head for a week, my internal dialogue would include a lot of what you’d expect.  A never-ending to-do list, constant reminders, and yeah, residual mommy brain that persists even though my son is now three years old. What you might not expect the inner voice of a self-described “champion of women” to include are the same critical thoughts I try to quiet in the minds of our clients. While my work is built around seeing the best in other women, I still struggle to do the same for myself. I’d be a big ol’ liar if I said I was Positive Piper all the time. Pull back the curtain of my psyche and you’ll find the same fragile spots like everyone else.

So what then? Chalk all this self-doubt up to a universal quality of women? Like a birthright, we must learn to accept? Ack, no thanks. There has to be another way.

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How “enough” can lead to so much more.

A few months ago while driving past a pet shop, I spotted a store vehicle parked outside. The words “Unconditional love” had been painted on the side of the truck with pictures of a pooch.  Since I was driving past, I didn’t have much context for the company’s marketing slogan, but I didn’t really need it. I knew what they were getting at. The relationship of pets and their people, people and their pets, well it often times means love without limits. I know a few people would give everything they have to take care of their dog if needed.

This got me thinking, “Why don’t we treat ourselves the same way?” Our self worth is subject to our variant moods and impossible to satisfy standards. In other words, it’s conditional. “I’d like myself more if…my pores were smaller, my boobs were fuller, my skin softer, my teeth whiter, my nose smaller, my legs tanner….” If we wrote down all the insecurities our clients have voiced over the years, the list would stretch down our stairs and out the door.

What if we simply said I am enough? Period. Not, “I’d love myself if” or “I love myself, but….” Adding those little words, but, if, except – effectively punts the benefits of self-acceptance beyond our reach. From this place of love comes the RGS–real good shit. What I mean is, when you stop focusing on the fixes and upgrades you think you need, you free up room for so much more. And I don’t mean in the superficial sense. I mean more peace. More courage. More confidence.

Letting go of judgment can make all the difference, (according to Oprah).

While I’m not a qualified expert in this area (and I tend to be wary of most people who claim to be) there’s one woman who’s earned the right to speak on this subject.

Oprah Winfrey wrote, “Say bye-bye to feeling bad about your looks. Are you ready to self lovestop colluding with a culture that makes so many of us feel physically inadequate? Say goodbye to your inner critic, and take this pledge to be kinder to yourself and others.

This is a call to arms. A call to be gentle, to be forgiving, to be generous with yourself. The next time you look into the mirror, try to let go of the storyline that says you’re too fat or too sallow, too ashy or too old, your eyes are too small or your nose too big; just look into the mirror and see your face. When the criticism drops away, what you will see then is just you, without judgment, and that is the first step toward transforming your experience of the world.”

Like I said at the beginning, I’m no Zen master with an impenetrable wall of self-esteem. But I’m working on it. So, while you might think all this is all still a load of BS, why not try it out? You might be surprised.

Interested in an experience all about self-love?  Contact us here or call today at 773-273-9063. Want to read more articles like this?  Check out the links below for related content:

Why you should consider couples boudoir photography?

Couples Boudoir Photography – A whole new way to connect with your partner

At least half the people we know would go running for the hills if asked to do a couples boudoir session (our own partners included). But before you completely dismiss the idea, hear us out. Couples boudoir can be one of the most intimate and exciting things you can do with your loved one. As long as you’re in a judgment-free space with a photographer you trust, you might be surprised how much you end up enjoying the experience.


All the reasons we think you should give a couples boudoir session a chance…

couples-boudoir-photos-_0001Talk about a bonding experience. While it might be a big step out of one or both of your comfort zones, doing a shoot together is an intimate, connecting experience. It calls for you both to be vulnerable. Consider it a bit like the trust fall exercise. There’s a bond that forms when you’re both committed to the process. You’re saying, “We’re in this together,” and like anything that takes you out of your cozy, little status quo corner, the benefits can be freakin’ extraordinary. If you can go with it, you’ll walk away with so much more than beautiful photos. You’ll come out the other side feeling closer than ever.

It’s just the right amount of sexy.  We’re not prudes or anything, but we have a PG-13 policy here at Revealed. For everyone’s sake, we find this is just the right level of spice.  You can think of us like movie directors. We’ll set a bit of a scene, give you some cues, and prompt you into different scenarios. That way you don’t have to feel put on the spot. The “scenarios” will be more like the build-up or come down from the real deal if you know what I mean.


Don’t be surprised when you’re having a total blast.

Once you get past the nerves, there will come a point when it all starts to flow. Kinda like dancing. The hardest part is getting yourself out on the dance floor, but once you’re there, once you’re out of your head, it’s so much fun.

How to get the most out of a couples boudoir session:
  1. Find a photographer you trust. The first and most important tip, find someone who makes you feel comfortable with enough experience to show they know what they’re doing!  Once you do, everything will be so much easier.  Every professional has their own way of doing things.  Our main goal is to help you feel comfortable and take you through the experience in a way that feels natural and fun.couples-boudoir-photos-_0014
  2. Be open. Everyone. I mean this in more way than one. First, as much as possible, have an open convo with your photographer and your partner to talk about what you want to be captured, and as importantly, what you don’t want.  I’m not sayin’ you need a safe word or anything, but making your expectations on the front end is key to avoiding awkward moments later on.
  3. Be open, continued. Keeping an open mind and heart throughout the shoot is huge. It helps your partner feel confident that you’re in it together and gives you photographer freedom to capture and create their work. Nothing’s more of a buzzkill than a negative attitude.
  4. Plan your wardrobe. Solo boudoir sessions are a great way to really let your lingerie shine. Couples boudoir is a little different. Because you’re posing with another person, your bodies are often brought close together for striking compositions. Wearing super intricate or complex numbers can be lost in a setting like this. Unless you’re going for a more editorial vision, like Reggie Bush and Kim K or Brad Pitt and Angelina in W, we suggest keeping it very simple and classic. If you decide to book with us, we’ll give you our full style guidelines to help you plan beforehand.
Ohhh, and did we mention the photos? 

Hopefully, by now you’re a little more open to the idea of couples boudoir photography. We talked a lot about how to overcome your nerves and get the most out of the experience. The photos are like the cherry on top. They’re not just tasteful imagery, they’re time capsules. Looking back at them will remind you how you felt during the experience. How you two felt together. 

Interested in booking your own couples boudoir photoshoot?  Contact us here or call today at 773-273-9063.