Before Booking: Ask these TOP 20 Boudoir Photography Questions [List]

Before Booking a Boudoir Shoot, Ask These Top 20 Boudoir Photography Questions 


and the answers to listen for…

Twenty Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Boudoir Session boudoir photos

Many people want to get sexy boudoir photos to treasure. 

But no one wants to live with regret, and choosing a boudoir photographer is trickier than most of our daily decisions. 

There’s so much information out there, and many amateur photographers advertise great deals. So, it’s hard to know where to start while avoiding seductive offers.

To help you decide, we’ve created two posts to guide you through the process. 

Our previous article shared the three most important things every future boudoir client should consider when choosing their photographer. While checking out reviews, bios, and portfolios is an excellent place to start, we suggest getting answers to these 20 questions when interviewing a studio or photographer to ensure you’re happy for years to come. 

Before diving in, though, it’s time to discover how we do what we do – to make you as comfortable as you are stunning when taking your boudoir photos.

How Revealed Studios creates sexy, tasteful, and sensual boudoir photography with all people

twenty questions to ask before booking your boudoir photoshootSince 2010, we’ve been creating sensual boudoir photos for people from all walks of life. Of course, there are so many photographers in this line of work – but we’re proud and confident that our approach is unique. We don’t just capture your unique beauty; we capture your confidence in your most beautiful moments in front of our lens. Naturally, some people are born with inner confidence and the ability to find their mojo in front of the camera. However, some need a little assistance – and that’s where our expert photographers (and directors!) come into play.

We guide and direct our gorgeous subjects to reveal their most flattering angles, poses, and positions to capture breathtaking moments on camera, creating photos that our clients cherish forever. But our boudoir photoshoots aren’t just about helping people look amazing and capturing those special moments; they’re about the entire experience—and making it one to enjoy to the fullest and remember for life.

Our welcoming, friendly approach throughout each session makes you feel at ease with friends you’ve known for years. We go as slow or fast and as light or intense as you like – you are in control of every step, with our expert guidance and warm support to help you look and feel fabulous and confident during your experience. Everything from our relaxed yet beautiful studio setting to our discreet after-care is designed with you in mind – to ensure you feel comfortable, content, and confident.

Not only will you get exquisite Chicago boudoir photos showcasing your stunning beauty, but you’ll relish the fun of this experience and leave with a sense of newfound confidence that was deep within you all along – they just needed to be let out.


Twenty Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Boudoir Session boudoir photosBefore booking a boudoir shoot (whether with us or someone else), here are the top questions to ask boudoir photographers.

  • What is your experience shooting boudoir?

Taking sexy selfies does not make you a professional boudoir photographer. Instead, look for someone with experience photographing a broad range of clientele, such as age, size, comfort level, etc. Many photographers will have experience with semi- or professional models, but it’s much more essential to have shot real clients in various scenarios.

Why do people choose you over other photographers? Is the photographer a wiz in Photoshop? Amazing with lighting? A goofball and able to make clients laugh? Consider what matters to you and look for that in your choice.

  • What’s your experience with posing/directing?

This is suuuuper important for anyone who isn’t a professional model. “What do I do,” is probably the most common question running through a client’s mind. Much like a skilled fitness instructor, a great photographer will guide you through every boudoir pose and facilitate a flow/environment where you’re free to express yourself naturally. In addition, an excellent photographer will also discuss boudoir photography ideas in terms of themes, from outfits to sets, in order to help you prepare and create the style of images you desire.

  • Who will be shooting me? [If a studio has more than one photographer]

Twenty Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Boudoir Session boudoir photosMany studios, like hair salons, have teams of photographers with different styles and varying levels of experience with boudoir shoots. When you’re doing your research, it’s a good idea to see if you can view the portfolios of the photographer you’ll be working with. When reviewing their work, ask yourself if your tastes align. When reading their captions, do you connect with their voice? If you’re interviewing multiple studios, you might ask about their education, their accreditation, what they feel their strengths are, and what sets them apart from other photographers.

At Revealed, Kelly and I work together 99% of the time. Unless there’s an extreme reason—like one of us being on maternity leave—we almost always work together. This is not because we don’t feel confident shooting solo but because we enjoy working together so much! Part of it is that we’re BFFs, so it’s a good excuse to hang out and enjoy each other’s company. We also have a great flow that we’ve developed over the years.

Often, one of us directs while the other captures side angles and detailed photos. We always go for that same coverage if we photograph independently, too. Also, because Kelly learned photography apprenticing with me, our styles are very compatible, and we’ve learned so much from each other over the years. We’re also constantly taking in new work from other photographers we admire and sources of inspiration, from movies to design and music to food. It influences our creative process and is a constant source of growth for us.

Indeed, we are a boudoir photography team that goes deeper than our professional relationship. We believe this visible level of friendliness adds to our clients’ experiences and makes them feel comfortable during their boudoir photoshoots.

  • How many outfits does my package include?

When creating unique boudoir photography ideas for clients, we recommend at least two outfits, ideally three, for your boudoir experience. Three gives you a chance to have variety in both style and color. More than three can become tiring, though, and if you plan on using your image for a boudoir album, then more than three can start to make the design cluttered. When sourcing those looks, many, well, almost everyone, ask for help. Our Instagram account has recommendations and a style prep guide we offer all our clients. Still, we are always happy to give individual recommendations for your needs to help you get the most out of your sensual boudoir photos.

  • How long will the boudoir photo shoot session last?

This is a luxury experience. You want to feel pampered and not rushed. Our sessions typically last 3-3.5 hours, including hair and makeup. Factors like your hair length and thickness and how long an outfit might take to get into – yes, some take longer than others! It’s good to remember that doing a boudoir photo shoot can be a bit physically demanding. You’re going to be bending and posing in ways you probably don’t do regularly, so with that in mind, we try to keep our session near the three-hour mark so you’re not too tired by the end.

  • Do you retouch the final pictures? If so, how much?

chicago boudoir photography 0009Ensure your expectations and the studio’s policy align with each other. Scroll through a dozen portfolios, and you’ll soon see how an image is retouched, which can vary dramatically, from ultra-photoshopped to hardly touched up. 

Our approach is two-fold. First and foremost, we do all we can during the boudoir photo shoot to create beautiful imagery that already blows you away straight out of the camera. With the right light, lens choice, direction, and posing, you’ll be amazed by how transformed you look in your sexy boudoir photos. Seriously, we often show people previews during their sessions on the back of the camera and get the response, “What?! How is that me?” So, having a reasonable basis to start with is the first goal for us.

Then, we begin a multi-step process of narrowing down the images to our favorites, adjusting colors, crop, and contrast in a program called Lightroom, and then bringing them into Photoshop. If we’ve done our job right, you don’t even really notice it’s been photoshopped. 

Instead, you just see a beautiful, finished boudoir image that looks natural and like fine art. This is achieved by zooming in on every single image for a detailed approach that removes glaringly apparent distractions, like bruises, acne, and garment issues, but also toning down cellulite and stretch marks (we’re also happy to leave them in if that’s your preference) without removing too much texture that would make your skin look plastic. It takes time, but we prefer this refined approach for the best results possible.

  • What’s your turnaround time?

The process I described above does take time. Many hours, in fact. All studios are different depending on their time, workload, and how they edit boudoir images. Some studios outsource to freelancers or companies. Kelly and I choose to handle all our processing in-house, allowing for the ultimate quality control. Our typical turnaround is 7-10 business days from the time of your session until you receive a gallery to review.

We don’t want to keep you waiting too long for your sexy boudoir photos, though, so we send a sneak peek over a few days after your shoot to quench a little bit of your thirst for pictures and give you some instant gratification. If you’re on a tight timeline, let your boudoir photographer know upfront, and they might be able to accommodate you with a rush service charge.

  • What differentiates your style from other photographers?

Twenty Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Boudoir Session boudoir photosRemember, boudoir photography is both an art form AND a business. In the best-case scenario, you’ll find a talented and highly professional photographer. One thing that sets us apart at Revealed is our passion for creating cinematic images. We love movement! We don’t want to be too formulaic (stiff and cliche), defaulting to the same six poses for every client. We’re inspired differently by each person who walks through our door. We love to leave room for collaboration, but we also have plenty of experience creating sensational boudoir images for everyone.

  • I’m so nervous – what do you or your staff do to help me feel comfortable?

In last week’s post, we compared choosing a boudoir photographer to finding a great OBGYN. A good “bedside manner” is so important. Your comfort is THE most important priority to us at Revealed. Feeling like you’re with people you like and trust ultimately leads to better pictures. That’s why our friendly approach is paramount.

During your luxury boudoir photo shoot, you are in the driver’s seat, even though our expert guidance is there to help you achieve phenomenal photos through our creative direction. Our utmost priority is that you feel comfortable and have an amazing time with us (not just looking and feeling stunning for your boudoir images). The experience is just as necessary as the finished pictures, and you’ll find that our unique, warm, and friendly approach we foster makes all the difference – to your confidence, your comfort, AND your finished sexy boudoir photos.

  • Can I bring a friend to my boudoir photo shoot?

The answer to this is sticky. Because boudoir photography is such an intimate experience and, for many, can be a bit nerve-wracking, you want to be surrounded by positivity. Even the best of friends (without meaning to) can actually make you feel more self-conscious. We always say that as long as you know, they’ll be 100% positive, then sure, bring them along to support you as we take your boudoir photos!

Also, it’s important to remember why you chose your photographer. If you’re looking to a friend for guidance throughout the shoot rather than trusting the photographer, the final outcome could suffer because your distraction may come through on camera.

  • Can I bring my significant other?

Twenty Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Boudoir Session boudoir photosThis question is similar territory to bringing a friend along for boudoir photoshoots. This is your day. Even the most loving significant other can have an unintentional effect. You want to be able to move without doubt or insecurity. Unless you’re a professional performance artist, having an audience – especially someone whose approval matters a great deal – can often make you feel more self-conscious.

However, some people find that having their loved one with them, observing each boudoir pose, and enjoying the experience together can enhance the shoot. If that’s the case for you, then bringing your partner along is absolutely fine!

  • How will you help me look my best?

Things like hair and makeup, lighting, posing, and prep guidance all factor into how you end up looking on camera. But for us, the MOST important factor is less obvious. It’s how comfortable you feel with your photographer(s).

For Kelly and I, this is something we can’t help but do. It’s just who we are. When we first met, we were selling handbags together at a jewelry boutique near Wrigleyville in Chicago. In many ways, we were terrible salespeople because we weren’t pushy and didn’t care about upselling. But our boss Mel liked us and kept us around because we were pretty good at helping people feel comfortable enough to talk about the stuff they were looking for, which I guess ended up in them buying things.

The same is true now. We just try to treat people the way we’d want to be treated—which is to feel understood, accepted, supported, heard, appreciated, encouraged, and also a little charmed. I mean, doesn’t everyone want a charming friend who makes them laugh and feel comfortable being naked around?

  • How important is posing?

A great boudoir pose can really make an image go from “eh” to “awe!”  Being able to guide someone into a flattering pose should not be undervalued. Also, being able to direct someone to a place where they feel comfortable moving on their own is a true art. It’s a bit magical when you can achieve both a beautiful form and compelling expression.

  • How do you choose your makeup artists?

Twenty Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Boudoir Session boudoir photosLike photographers, makeup artists have different styles, experiences, and tastes. While their application is very important to us, personality is almost even more so. We want an artist who helps you feel comfortable, who knows how to ask the right questions to make sure you’re getting makeup you feel comfortable wearing, and in the end, who helps you feel amazing when you’re finished.

  • Do you offer b&w boudoir photos and color?

Many studios will offer processing for your boudoir images. You can review their portfolio to see how they tone and edit pictures. With digital files, unlike film, photographers can convert color images into black and white and back again without too much trouble.

  • Do you use natural or artificial light?

Some studios are all-natural, some all-artificial, and many are both. Whatever the answer, make sure the resulting images are in line with your taste.

  • Where do you shoot? Do you have different sets?

What sort of background do you want for your sexy boudoir photos? Studio sets vary from modern to traditional, and some also go outdoors. For example, our studio is a two-story lofted coach house with white brick walls downstairs and a more industrial setting upstairs. We have multiple couches, a bed scene, and many other posing pieces.

  • Do you shoot everyone the same?

This goes back to experience and style. A great photographer will be adaptable and experienced in shooting all types of people and customizing the backgrounds, lighting, and boudoir poses for you. We’ve photographed hundreds of clients, giving us plenty of experience in understanding how to bring out the best in everyone we work with.

  • What happens with my image files after the session? Do you use them in your marketing?

A client’s privacy should be a top priority. For example, our privacy policy, detailed in our contracts, says we will not use a client’s image without explicit permission. When booking a boudoir shoot with a studio, make sure you’re okay with what’s done with your photos after the shoot.

  • How much does boudoir photography cost?

Summary: Chicago boudoir prices (or boudoir shoots in any location, really) range, but a typical investment starts around $900.

Twenty Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Boudoir Session boudoir photosAhhhh, the million-dollar question. Call three different studios, and you’ll get three different answers about how much boudoir photography costs. The old saying “you get what you pay for” rings true for boudoir. It’s not like a meal you indulge in and then quickly digest. The impact of a boudoir photoshoot stays with you for years to come—and long after you receive sexy boudoir photos—often in ways you might not expect.

We’ve had women who’ve struggled with body issues, eating disorders, and sexual traumas, who’ve talked about the healing power of boudoir. One wrote, “I can’t even begin to explain how my photoshoot last year was this turning point with my anxiety, and  this week, I’m tapering off the last of my anxiety meds.”

In this way, we know boudoir photography is much more than the resulting photos. It can be a potent therapy dose and a true gift to yourself. For this reason, the experience of the photographers you’re working with is factored into the rate of service.

Additional questions to ask about boudoir photography cost:

What’s the studio space like? How well-trained/educated is your photographer? What’s the skill level of your makeup artists? What final product or bundle are you purchasing? All boudoir photoshoots and photographers are different in these aspects, so make sure to get these questions answered before booking with anyone.

Lastly, we just encourage you to remember there’s much more to creating the beautiful images you see above than having a professional camera. You’re paying for someone’s years of experience and unique set of skills in addition to the “fixed costs” they must consider. To learn more about our rates, visit our boudoir pricing page or contact us here. Don’t forget to check out the rest of our blog to discover more about our sensual boudoir photos and how we achieve what we do for our hundreds of happy clients!