What does a boudoir nude photo shoot entail?

We totally think you should take naked photos during your nude boudoir photography session and here’s why…

Let me say this right off the bat; we totally think you should take nude photos during your nude boudoir photography session! Before you get too freaked out and run for the hills, let me explain. These nude photos aren’t any old snapshots – we’re talking tasteful nudes. While we’re not here to shame pornography, that’s not the line of work we’re in.

nude photos boudoir

Instead, our field of expertise turns women into works of art through photography. We think the experience is liberating, empowering, and, honestly, fun. Plus, every resulting nude boudoir photo is an intimate, unforgettable creation that you might even hang up on your bedroom walls!

This article will cover the common ins and outs of taking nude boudoir photos, including:

–   Why should you take photos in the buff?

–   What’s it like to experience a nude photo shoot?

–   How to feel comfortable during your boudoir experience

–   Ensuring your images remain private if you’d prefer

–   How to use your nude images as wall art

–   How to dip your toes with implied nude photography

What Are the Benefits of Taking Naked Pictures?

“Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, “Oh, I’m too spooky,” or “Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies,” but believe me: one day, you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, ‘Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!’”- Moira Rose

We know there are plenty of reasons to indulge in nude boudoir photography. So, what are the reasons why you should give it a shot? For one, the experience can be very liberating. When photographed in a safe environment by a professional, you create a positive association with your nude form.

For those who’ve experienced trauma with their bodies or struggled with shame or insecurity, the process of taking a nude boudoir photo can be very healing. It’s a brave act that can support a greater sense of self-acceptance. For others, it can simply feel good to be less restricted. There’s something a little magical about letting your body be the subject rather than your clothing!

What to Do with Your Nude Pictures?

Nude photos boudoirThroughout history, people have used the human form as works of art, and yours should be no exception. Often with our clients, we create abstract images that are subtle yet striking. We also love turning these boudoir photos into framed prints for wall art. If you’re a bit bashful about having your bum on display for all to see, a bathroom, bedroom, or private closet can be your spot of choice for your nude boudoir photo (no one but you or your partner need to see it!).

We’ve had clients create collages to hang over their beds, tiny prints to sneak into a gallery wall, and others who’ve chosen a more private product like an album or image box that can be stored in a secret area. We have plenty of options, whatever your flavor! Our goal is to provide nude boudoir photography in Chicago that suits every woman.

How to Not Feel Nervous Before a Nude Boudoir Photoshoot?

nude-photos-boudoir-session-01Does the prospect of a nude boudoir photo shoot fill you with stress? Perhaps you’re worried about embarrassment or scared that you’ll run for the hills once you step into the studio. Fear not – there are plenty of ways to make the nude boudoir photography experience as stress-free as a spa day.

One way to ease your nerves before your photoshoot is to build trust with your photographer before getting undressed. At our studio in Chicago, Kelly and I will do everything we can to help you settle into the photo shoot, so feel free to talk to us as much as you want so that you feel comfortable.

Another way to feel less nervous is to talk to people that have done a nude boudoir photo shoot before, like your neighbor, coworker, best friend, or sister. If you’d like, consider taking one of these people along to the shoot (they can always stay in another room while you slip into your birthday suit!)

What’s It Like Taking Naked Photos?

The lead-up…

The lead-up to a Chicago boudoir photography session might have you full of questions. Well, we’re here to ensure you know exactly what to expect. First, you’ll book your session – don’t worry, our Chicago Boudoir Prices are hard to match! Then, you’ll enter the appointment and get your hair and makeup professionally done, all ready to create luxury boudoir photos that you’ll treasure forever.

In our line of work, we see a lot of bodies, so many that we’re pretty darn comfortable with nudity. To us, there is no shame in the naked form, which is why we love creating nude boudoir photography. That being said, it’s normal to feel vulnerable and even uncomfortable in the buff (We’re with you. I still get shy when I’m naked in front of my husband or at the OBGYN!).

To create the most comforting nude boudoir photography experience, Kelly and I work backward from the experience we’d want for ourselves. That is to say, we want to feel like we’re in the hands of a professional who also makes us feel like an instant friend. We do that by being lighthearted (laughter is always helpful during boudoir photography), warm, and open. You are in the driver’s seat here, and we’ll always check with you first on how much you want to reveal.

Before we start, we’ll also talk through the flow of nude boudoir photography so that there are no surprises. For example, we might say, “in this in this scene, there’s an option for a photo where we capture you taking your bra off from behind. You can completely cover your chest, position your arms for a bit of side boob, or drop your arms down. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with.”

A typical scenario for creating fine art nudes:

To help you feel more comfortable, we’ll even demonstrate poses, showing exactly how limbs can cover private parts. That way, you’ll have complete agency over what you want to show, whether that’s a touch of elegance with poses that hide the naked body or a more revealing photo shoot. We recognize that everyone has different comfort levels and personal histories in this area. We never push anyone to do something they don’t want to. Your comfort and confidence are our priority.

Often, “getting naked” happens in a flow of posing so that it feels like the continuation of a sequence, e.g., taking off your bra or undressing before bed. We are drawn to images that feel natural and, not to sound cheesy, but a bit poetic. There are times when we do stand-alone shots, like the one below. In those instances, we’ll show the pose and let you get in position.

We don’t do the whole ‘completely leave the room’ thing while this happens, but Kelly and I might chit-chat or check our camera settings to allow you some privacy. Then, we’ll snap away before handing you a robe upon the completion of the nude boudoir photography session. Our goal is to make the process a breeze for you.

Baring it all: what if you want to do a full frontal “Samantha-sex-in-the-city” moment?

Sometimes clients request an entire “series” of nude photos with a variety of poses. In this case, we like to talk through their vision beforehand to make sure everyone is on the same page. For example, one client did a vintage-fold-out inspired series on a white background. She let us know her concept up front and talked through what feel she wanted. The resulting photos are timeless, feminine, and playful.

As for our boundaries, we’re comfortable with “baring it all,” so long as the tone of the images leans more implied over explicit. Remember, you are in the driving seat of the nude boudoir photo shoot – you are in complete control at all times.

“I’m not there yet, but what about implied nude?”

nude-photos-boudoir-session-01If you’re not ready to rock your birthday suit in a nude boudoir photography shoot, there are other options for you! A cleverly draped sheet can be used to create the same effect. You can keep everything on beneath but drop your bra straps or stick out a leg to create the effect of “wearing nothing but the sheets.” Just let us know, and we’ll be happy to accommodate you.

On privacy: how to keep your nude photos “for your eyes only”

You’re in good company if your biggest concern regarding your nude boudoir photo session is keeping these oh-so-intimate images private. Most of our clients opt never to show their boudoir photos, even those wearing lingerie. We fully support that decision. We provide a password-protected link that allows access to the final images from the boudoir photography session, where you can download them to your personal storage device for safekeeping.

I’m gonna geek out for a minute, but we personally use a multi-factor password system to store our images. We highly recommend this for anyone hoping to keep their most intimate pictures just that – intimate and private. We’re also happy to delete your pictures from our storage devices upon your request after you’ve received them. Just keep in mind that we won’t be able to retrieve them if your copy is lost or corrupted if you choose that option. Lastly, we only ever publish images in our marketing material after receiving written consent for use.

We provide a nude boudoir photography experience that we are proud of. If you’re interested in getting your Chicago Boudoir Photos done, why not visit our gallery of fine art nudes? It’ll show you what to expect!

Have more questions? Contact us here or call 773-273-9063.