Behind the Scenes: Retouching

We receive a lot of questions regarding how we retouch our clients’ images. As mentioned before, we can erase cellulite and fix tan lines. Double chins and bellies can be diminished. However, our retouching mantra is to get it right in camera with good hair, makeup, lighting and posing. Clients are often surprised how good they look in camera before any retouching even occurs.

So what does a photo look like straight out of the camera?

Here’s me.

portrait photography retouching tutorial example

Now here I am color-corrected. In other words, my hair and skin matches what you see in real life.

portrait photography retouching tutorial example

Next, I erase any funky textural issues, my red splotches and neck wrinkles. (I left my smile lines in because I’m fine with those.)

portrait photography retouching tutorial example

Voila, much better.

portrait photography retouching tutorial example

Those bags under my eyes due to restless nights taking care of my newborn babies?

portrait photography retouching tutorial example


portrait photography retouching tutorial example

And what about my clothing wrinkles?

portrait photography retouching tutorial example

Poof. They’re outta here. Well, sorta…I could do some more work on them, but you get the point. 🙂

portrait photography retouching tutorial example

So that is my quick retouching edit to show you the work that goes into our clients’ photos before they see them. Hair flyaways are also erased, but my hair wasn’t too unruly in this pic. Good retouching is subtle, in our opinion. We stay away from turning skin into plastic.

Lastly, we add a little extra spice to the photo, which bumps up contrast and color.

Here’s a before and after of the photo.  The left is straight out of camera and the right is after retouching.

portrait photography retouching tutorial example

Want to book a session, but have retouching questions? Email us at [email protected] or call us (773) 273-9063. We’d love to hear from you.