Keeping the Confidence


Some people think a boudoir photoshoot is just about taking “sexy” photos.  But at Revealed, it’s so much more. For most clients, it’s a transformative, healing experience.  For women struggling with body image, self-worth, and staying connected with their sensuality,a boudoir session can be a big step toward a healthier, more positive place. It takes courage to be photographed, especially in your underwear. At first, you may feel a bit exposed and vulnerable. But what comes from the experience is so much more than just photos of you looking great; it’s the after-effects of doing something outside your comfort zone. When you’re courageous, when you show up for yourself, you’re choosing to be your own advocate. And when you make that choice, your self-worth comes from within.  It’s less reliant on those around you.  That’s why we believe a boudoir session is sooo much more than just sexy photos.

So how do you keep that surge of confidence?  It’s not always easy, and staying in that place of positivity may mean making a lifestyle change. Here are some tips for keeping the confidence long after your session ends…

  1. Say no to body shaming.
    We’ve all done it. Made those self-deprecating remarks criticizing our  “trouble areas.”  But really, what purpose does it serve?  Do we feel better afterwards? Does anything change?  No. In fact, we’re probably just keeping ourselves in that same cycle of negative thinking.  What would happen if we just stopped it all together? Instead of paying homage to our insecurities, we celebrate our attributes: the things about ourselves we love.  Not there yet?  That’s ok. Just start with squashing all that self-hate. The rest can be tackled later.
  2. Surround yourself with Chargers.
    There’s a theory that people fall into two categories: chargers and drainers.  Drainers are those people who leave you feeling tired and uncertain, while chargers inspire you, build you up, make want to be your best self. Build your network out of chargers and you’ll have a great support system to keep you feeling great. 
  3. Invest your time wisely.
    Similar to the idea of chargers and drainers, it matters where we invest our energy.  Do an inventory of where you spend the most time. Is it in areas or activities that build you up and help you grow?  If the answer is no, ask yourself why, and reflect on how much value that activity is really adding to your life.
  4. Do something every day that makes you feel awake. 
    “Awake? What’s that mean?”  It means you’re living outside of the status quo. You’re not settling for comfortable.  Dance in your underwear. Sing in the shower. Strike up a conversation on the El. Sign up for a language class. Remember, the reason you felt so confident post-shoot was because you challenged yourself to do something big and bold. Don’t stop there. 
  5. Own your sensuality. 
    Wherever you’re headed, go forward without shame or fear. Celebrate your own unique and wonderful spirit. Embrace your femininity. We don’t mean wear gobs of makeup and high heels every day (although there’s nothing wrong with that, either!), We’re talking about something deeper: your own, unique feminine energy that comes from within.